Wednesday 1 September 2010

Affirmation Experiment

I believe in the power of the mind. I believe in positive thinking. But, I am not sure if affirmations actually work. And before I hear any of the cynics complaining, let me clarify - positive thinking by itself doesn't solve anything, but when you use that positive thinking to perform positive actions then it creates wonders.

Affirmations is supposed to add to that mental awareness, and will power. Lots of people swear by them. I have never tried them for long enough to make a judgement. So I have set myself a mini-experiment.

September 1 to September 30 - 30 days of positive affirmations, and of course I shall journal about this experiment, and note any results I may note.

I invite you to join in. You can start today, tomorrow, next week. Think about any goal you want to achieve, any weaknesses you may want to over come.

There are few basic rules that apply to affirmations:
  1. They must be positive. i.e. - "I don't want to be a failure" is not positive. Instead what you want is "I am successful"
  2. However, "successful" is too broad. Be specific. What do you want to do?
  3. Use present tense. Imagine as if you have already achieved your goal. Use present tense. "I am working out every day."
  4. To begin with, focus on one or two goals. If you start with too many affirmations, you will split your focus, and they may not be very affective. I would say, ideally, start with one goal. I am experimenting with two - but simply because both of those goals - Fitness and Writing - are of equal priority for me at this point in my life, so I can't chose one.
  5. Write your own affirmations. I know there are plenty available on the Internet for free. Look at them by all means, but then reword them for yourself. If you create your own affirmations, they are personal to you. They will have more impact.
  6. Start with positive attitude. If you are adamant that it's not going to work, then it probably won't. So keep an open mind. Go with the flow, and see what happens. I don't know if they will work or not, but I am willing to try, and put my utmost faith in it for 30 days. Even if I don't see tangible result, I would have lost nothing by telling myself some positive things.
  7. Don't have too many affirmations. Be specific, and concise. For each of my goal, I have created 5 affirmations. For quality experiment, you should be able to repeat them every day. I intend to repeat them every morning, and every night. If I have time, I will write them down several times too. I will keep a copy of them on my PC where I can see it at home, and a copy of them in my Filofax so I can see it during the day.
  8. And lastly, make notes on how they make you feel. Or if you feel like it, write your affirmations in your journal every day. For any experiment to be successful, results must be noted and measured. If you don't keep track of anything, how will you know whether you have succeeded? Mind is a funny thing. You may think your attitude has changed but it could be just the memory tricking you. And if you only achieve small changes (but positive nonetheless) they will be hard to see without some form of record. So use the journal.
I will do post(s) on how my experiment with affirmations go. If you have any experience / opinions about them, please share your views.


  1. Well, I don't need an experiment, I KNOW that it works! *gg* I believe very strongly that there exists a "Parking Lot God" and he/she likes me very much. It's almost spucky how often I pray for/wish/think on a specific parking space somewhere in town and ... *ta-daaa* ... there it really is!
    Just luck or coincidence or faith? Call it whatever you like - for me self-fulfilling prophecies work ... on parking spaces! ;-)

  2. so where are the posts on your progress... I cant find another mention.

  3. Anonymous,

    They are coming up in End-Of-Year post
