Monday 24 May 2010

Journal Writing Prompt 8


Do you find yourself drifting along the wave of routine, dissatisfied with your life? Or are you floundering because you have too many things to do, or too many interests and you can't progress with anything because you don't know what you want more?

This exercise should help you dig a little deeper for you goals. To actually get results, quality of the entry is a must. You would need to spend decent amount of time with your journal, perhaps more than once, over several days or several weeks or even several months depending on your personality, and depending on the general confusion in your life. But you will see the results.

Here are several exericses you can try. Use what is suitable for you.
  • Write down everything you enjoy spending your time on. Imagine you have a free week, with absolutely no chores, what exactly would you like to do with that day? Now imagine you have a free month, what would you like to do then? A free year?
  • Write down how you spend your day. Either make 7 columns, or use 7 pages. List each day, and write down in exact detail, how you utilize every hour of that day. Perhaps pay attention to your time for a week or two. Write it down. What do you do? What do you always make the time to do? What do you ignore?
  • Talk to your ideal self. Have a dialogue. What is your ideal self like? What does he/she know that you don't know? What experiences he/she had that you haven't had?
  • With your life as it is now, where do you see yourself in 5 years time? Where would you like to be?
Your goals could be anything. They could be career goals, family goals, goals for the rest of your life. Anything that is important enough for you that you want to have a clear focus of where you are going.

But always remember that goals are fluid. If you change as a person, or your life circumstances changes, your goals may change too. It is fine. The goals you make today are for the person you are today, because we all need to start somewhere.


  1. It's so true about goals changing if/when you change as a person. It's important to remember that you're not giving up on goals that no longer make sense or flame your passion.

    Who knows - you may become that different person BECAUSE you worked on a goal.

    Knowing where you are and where you want to be and working on the path can lead to some great opportunities you never would have come upon.

    I love this blog!

  2. Live Out Loud,

    That's so true. And working on one goal often leads to another, sometimes in a completely different direction.

    I am glad you enjoy the blog :-)Thank you for hanging around.
