Sunday 8 May 2011

Journal Writing Prompt 20 - Recharge

Oh boy, it's been a while since I posted here. Sorry about that. I was having 2 weeks of real vacation for a change. 10 days holiday/family visit in New Jersey / New York, and then rest of the week off at home with my husband. Hardly any work. No looking at to-do list. It's been refreshing and relaxing. 

So that's our prompt for today - Recharging Batteries

How do you recharge yours? Do you at all? Do you know when you need to? I will admit, I rarely give myself time off. Sure I have time off from my day-job, but not from my home-job as a writer + mental stress out telling me to push myself to do this and that. Sometimes, I know I need to take a break, and so I take a day or a weekend off. But I am not good at taking the time to recharge my batteries. At least not without guilt for "wasting time." 

How do you feel? Are you okay to just sit down, do nothing, or watch TV? Or do you suffer with guilt? Journal about this. See whether you are taking care of your self, giving your mind and body time to charge and energize, or are you pushing yourself too much? 

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